Mündliche Prüfung


Marks Going100 marks
Percentage of Final Grade25%
Timing15 minutes

There are three parts to the Oral Exam:

  1. General Questions
  2. Project or Picture Sequence
  3. Roleplay

1. General Questions

  • In the first part, the examiner will ask you general questions across seven themes: yourself and your family, where you live, school, language learning, future plans, hobbies and free time and time spent in a German speaking country.
  • This part is worth 40 out of the 100 available marks for the Oral Exam.
  • At the end of this first part the examiner will give you the option to talk about a literary text or a German language film. This is not compulsory and candidates will not lose marks if they choose not to discuss one. However, it is a guaranteed question and gives scope for you to show off your German.
  • You will be assessed on competence in the following areas: range of vocabulary, range of expression, awareness and use of grammar, independence from examiner support, appropriateness, fluency and pronunciation.
  • A comprehensive list of the general questions is available below.

2. Project or Picture Sequence

  • In the second part, candidates must either present a project on a syllabus topic that is of interest to them or choose one of the five assigned picture sequences at random.
  • This part is worth 30 out of the 100 available marks for the Oral Exam.
  • Ideas for projects can be obtained in Section III ‘Cultural Awareness’ of the Leaving Certificate German Syllabus.
  • For those who opt for the project, it will be marked as follows:
    • 10 marks for an uninterrupted verbal presentation of the project (not to exceed two minutes).
    • 10 marks for clarification of aspects of content (further questioning) and the explanation of the process of doing a project (e.g. where the information was collected, what was learnt etc.).
    • 10 marks for the candidate’s opinion on a related wider issue or theme.
  • Conversely, the picture sequence will be marked as follows:
    • 10 marks for an uninterrupted verbal presentation of the picture story (in 10-15 sentences).
    • 10 marks for the candidate’s future projection of how the story continues and for further explanation of some aspect not clearly dealt with in the narration.
    • 10 marks for the candidate’s opinion on a related wider issue or theme.

3. Roleplay

  • In the third and final part, candidates must choose one of the five assigned roleplay cards at random. You will get the German and English version of the cards.
  • This part is also worth 30 out of the 100 available marks for the Oral Exam.
  • The roleplay will be marked as follows:
    • 4 marks for the comprehensive communicative completion of each of the five numbered tasks on the roleplay card, which equates to 20 marks.
    • 10 marks will be going for vocabulary use, accuracy and pronunciation.

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